Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Back with new posts

For those who would notice, I hereby announce that this blog is back. I decided to suspend it during my 6-month research/writing contract with First Things in New York, which ended with the month of February. The experience was productive and, for the most part, gratifying. I'm particularly grateful to Jody Bottum, the editor-in-chief, for having given me the chance to help him out. Now I have many reasons to resume blogging under my own name. I do so with the help of Christopher Blosser, Catholic blogger extraordinaire, who will occasionally contribute and cross-post. He has my thanks for getting the new comment system and layout operational.

I still blog on occasion elsewhere. Recently, I posted at What's Wrong with the World on the recent media feeding-frenzy over the Pope's occasionally real and largely imaginary failure to be aggressive enough in removing abusers from the priesthood. Yesterday I posted about the doctrine of limbo over at First Thoughts. If any of my returning and new readers have comments about those two posts, please make them here, under this post. Since Sacramentum Vitae will once again become my primary blogging venue, I need to build traffic again. But expect to see much cross-posting too. Also, I comment frequently at Called to Communion, whose work and authors I greatly admire. To those interested in Protestant-Catholic dialogue, I cannot recommend C2C highly enough.

Grateful to God for the new friends and connections I've made, I remain in New York looking for new work and preparing for a new career in counseling. I'll have more to say, and ask, about that in the weeks and months ahead. In the meantime, though times are tough once again, I know that I am loved, watched over, and led by the One who is the beginning and end of all things. He sends people into my life often to show me how. That is why I cannot I resume blogging here without thanking the many readers who have supported me in every way possible over the past few years. I will continue doing what I can to justify your faith in me.
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