Sunday, October 16, 2005

Apologies to my Orthodox friends

In my post yesterday, I explained why I find Orthodoxy as well as Protestantism deficient in a certain respect: I wrote that the former's general attitude toward doctrinal development strikes me as "fundamentalist, for want of a better word," even though broader and more realistic than other alternatives to Catholicism. But the responses I've received, both public and private, have been uniformly negative. I should have known they would be. "Fundamentalist" has become such a hot-button word in these days of jihad and embittered domestic politics that its mere use wounds feelings and deflects attention from the truly substantive issues. Thus offense was taken where none was intended. I plead guilty to imprudence and apologize.

Alas, what's been said cannot be unsaid. I just wish there were a short-and-snappy way to characterize the relevant difference without a dry, tedious, potentially exhaustive academic disquisition.

1 comment:

  1. Mike
    Your public apology is enough for me. It is the sign of humility and that is beautiful. Like I said, I prayed for you at liturgy today. I am glad I know your image, as we are all made in the image and likeness of God, and I mean your photograph.
    That being said, if you truly want to learn about fundamentalism, I highly encourage you to visit FACTnet. I can send you a link if you like.
    I am recovering from American Protestant Fundamentalist Cult Orthodoxy and it is no joke and no easy task. I am very 'sensitive' to the word 'fundamentalist' for this reason.
    Best Regards
