Sunday, October 16, 2005

When is "the act" not an act?

In the comment box to my post The pelvicists are at it again, I was asked whether I favored something called "emergency contraception." While I reject RU-486 and similar means as abortifacient, I do think that contraception in advance of involuntary sex, when there's a danger of such intercourse, is sometimes permissible. Thus I wrote: "Contraception in such circumstances does not violate divine and natural law because rape by definition is involuntary on the victim's part and, therefore, there is no unitive dimension of sexual intercourse to be violated by contraception, as there is when the deed is consensual." I didn't think that was controversial even in the Catholic Church; it is not unheard of, for example, that nuns in violent missionary territory be pre-armed with pessaries. But apparently I have taken too much for granted.

Thus dilexitprior, a lover of the theology of the body, replied:
I'm going to have to disagree on this one. Humanae Vitae makes it clar that "there must be a rejection of all acts that attempt to impede procreation, both those chosen as means to an end and those chosen as ends. This includes acts that precede intercourse, acts that accompany intercourse, and acts that are directed to the natural consequences of intercourse. Nor is it possible to justify deliberately depriving conjugal acts of their fertility by claiming that one is choosing the lesser evil." (article 14.) This seems fairly explicit to me that under no circumstances is the use of contraception valid. This being said, under no circumstances should a woman be used as a mere means to an end (whether it be procreation or sexual gratification or any other reasoning). Abuse is NEVER justified and the Church has never taught that a woman must remain in an abusive situation. Although it takes great courage the only way a woman can see her dignity restored is to remove herself from the abusive situation.

On that view, the only permissible way to prevent conception in case of rape is removing oneself from the danger to begin with. Thus women with husbands who would force themselves on them should leave their marriages, and single women facing a similar danger as missionaries should just leave the territory. Well, I don't buy that—at least not as a general and apodictic prescription. Here's why.

In HV, Pope Paul VI spoke of "the conjugal act" as the only permissible form of sexual intercourse. Imposed on one's spouse's in face of her (or his) serious reluctance, it is not a true act of love; therefore, it lacks the "unitive" dimension that must be present if it is to be morally acceptable. The late pope also said that what's wrong with direct, voluntary interruption of the generative process—i.e., with contraception—is that it suppresses the procreative dimension in favor of the unitive. Actively and intentionally depriving the conjugal act of its intrinsic relationship to procreation, even if the act occurs when procreation is unlikely, thus damages the unitive dimension of the act. It is another way of not loving each other as God intended. But what if there is no unitive dimension to begin with? What, in other words, if "the act" a form of rape? In that case, it's not an act on the part of the raped partner at all, and so contraception on their part is not wrong for the reason HV gives. If it's wrong, that has to be for some other reason.

Yet I don't know what that reason could be, and HV doesn't give it. Damage control is not the same as wanting, selfishly, to eat one's cake and have it; the latter only is what I understand contraception in consensual, marital sex to be. It's not a form of mutual use; it's a way for women to prevent themselves from being used in a particular way against their will. While I am very critical of priests who think it's perfectly OK to let married couples ignore the teaching of HV, I don't think that the sort of case in question violates the teaching of HV and I don't know any moral theologian who would say it does. At any rate, I think the Church would look pretty silly if she ruled otherwise.


  1. Mike
    Thank you for your thoughts on this. It is Sunday, I went to Communion, the sun is shining. I hope my comment has some light in it. First of all I am really blessed to have been shown the way to your blog. I was thinking about you in church today. I think you would be a priest if the Catholic church ordained married men. I have deep thoughts on this one I can share with you off line if you like.
    Second of all several sentences you wrote nailed me:
    "Thus women with husbands who would force themselves on them should leave their marriages, and single women facing a similar danger as missionaries should just leave the territory."

    Yes they should because these husbands don't have a care for their wives or their unborn children. All they care for to be blunt is their penises.

    "Imposed on one's spouse's in face of her (or his) serious reluctance, it is not a true act of love; therefore, it lacks the "unitive" dimension that must be present if it is to be morally acceptable."

    Why is that not every Catholic has this understanding? Both the priest that married me and my husband and are former Catholics, and they do not get this. I do not get them.

    "Damage control is not the same as wanting, selfishly, to eat one's cake and have it; the latter only is what I understand contraception in consensual, marital sex to be. It's not a form of mutual use; it's a way for women to prevent themselves from being used in a particular way against their will."

    That's right. The Catholic church does not believe in concubinage does it? What is a wife? Is she not the cherished recipient of her husband's affections. Does her husband not love her? What kind of love would harm a wife? No this is not love, this is abuse, and abuse destroys a marriage from the inside out. Perhaps we need to get a little ecumenical here and look to the teachings of Dr. Laura.

  2. Dil
    I wanted to respond to your comment on Mike's blog:
    Humanae Vitae makes it clar that "there must be a rejection of all acts that attempt to impede procreation, both those chosen as means to an end and those chosen as ends.This includes acts that precede intercourse, acts that accompany intercourse, and acts that are directed to the natural consequences of intercourse.
    That's right, and a husband who is fixated on these preceding acts, accompanying acts is out of balance and out of line and should not be allowed to subject his wife to his perverse whims. Any priest that hears confessions like these and does not admonish the husband is a false priest. Any husband that subject his wife to this kind of wicked depravity year after year is an evil husband and deserves to be cast off.

    This being said, under no circumstances should a woman be used as a mere means to an end (whether it be procreation or sexual gratification or any other reasoning). Abuse is NEVER justified and the Church has never taught that a woman must remain in an abusive situation. Although it takes great courage the only way a woman can see her dignity restored is to remove herself from the abusive situation.

    That is right Dil, and you are a brilliant theologian. You have my vote. Why priest talked about the sin of gratification today in relation to Adam and the seed that falls by the way side. I will be publishing his sermon on my blog later today if you are interested. I thank you, Dil, for giving me this understanding. For a husband to use his wife for self gratification is sin pure and simple. It is fallen. There is nothing to justify it.

    And you are absolutely right that a woman must not remain in an abusive situation. You echo the words of my bishop in a personal telephone conversation. You speak the truth Dil. Don't let anybody put out fire. Let no man put you down.

  3. The Ethical and Religious Directives, which are solid and valuable guidelines from the American bishops for healthcare, expressly forbid the use of any contraceptives as contrary to Catholic teaching.

    EXCEPT in the case of preventing conception that may result from rape. Nothing that could harm an already fertilized ovum is permitted, of course.

  4. Well Dev
    I wonder why my husband fell away from the Catholic faith...cause he sure as heck did not practice these principles in all his affairs.
