A praise-blame asymmetry
There is a certain kind of symmetry between praise and blame. We praise
someone who incurs a cost to themselves by going above and beyond
obligation and ...
Patience, Docility, and Hope
It’s Lent, again, and that’s good news. We are asked to acknowledge our
moral agency along with our responsibility for distorting ourselves—without
Hyper Christou Presbeuomen
Therefore from now on, we recall no one according to the flesh. Though too
we knew Christ according to the flesh, yet now we no longer know.
Therefore, i...
First Links — 2.3.12
This article is coming soon… if you need the text for time-sensitive
research or reference, please contact support
The post First Links — 2.3.12 appeared...
The Martins and hagiography
In one sense the hagiographies of the saints of the last two hundred years
are the same as they ever have been. Martyrs were abundant, especially in
Lessons Learned From a College Closure
Lessons Learned From a College Closure
[image: A hand holds up a hanging sign that says, in blue, "Closed."]
Elizabeth Redden Wed, 03/05/2025 - 11:01 AM
Ashes and Alms
Jack Fowler, Philanthropy Daily
In the prolonged spiritual and penitential season now calling to
Christians, the from-antiquity practice of alms-giving—by...
Summaries of the Epigraphs
The Epigraphae of John Bekkos (PG 141, 613B-721B) are a florilegium or
collection of patristic texts divided into thirteen sections, each of them
prefaced ...
Theophany, Cosmophany, Anthrophany
In your eagerness to get on with your life, you probably -- as did I --
skimmed past that penultimate sentence yesterday: "Theophany" -- an
appearance or...
Mackie on Pascal’s Wager
I’ve never been a fan of Pascal’s Wager. But there’s a bit more that one
might say for it than is often supposed. For example, the objections J. L.
Authority, obedience, conscience
Chair of St. Peter
Fr. Philip Neri Powell OP
St. Albert the Great, Irving
What's wrong with the Church? Why can't the bishops get their act together?
Different starting points, foreign nations
The recent debate about the ordo amoris once again made clear that moderns
conceive the world very differently to traditionalists. It did so
Redemption Before Christ
The latest installment of an ongoing interview series with contributing
editor Mark Bauerlein. Gerald R. McDermott joins in to discuss his recent
book, *...
Thứ 7 nên đánh con gì dễ trúng, nhận thưởng lớn
Bạn đang tìm kiếm số đánh cho ngày thứ 7? Bạn chưa biết thứ 7 nên đánh con
gì là tốt, dễ trúng? Hãy cùng Courageouspriest.com tìm hiểu những gợi ý số
đánh ...
The Obscurity of Scripture
Earlier this year, Called to Communion editor Casey Chalk published his
second book, The Obscurity of Scripture, a critical assessment of the
Protestant ...
The Bonding (TNG) – The Secrets of Star Trek
Tragedy, loss, and alien trickery. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss
this TNG story of loss and grief and what makes us human in dealing with
the death...
Smith on "Christians and/as Liberals?"
Friend of the Show Prof. Steve Smith (San Diego) has posted the
article-version of a talk he gave at a Notre Dame conference last fall on
"Liberalism, Chri...
Being Surprised by Christ
Some people hate surprise parties. There are those who are uncomfortable
with a last-minute vacation or even an unexpected travel upgrade. If it
wasn’t par...
The Four Horsemen of Palamism
There are many interesting things taking place in academia right now
regarding Orthodox history and theology, beyond the usual faddish
expressions of “theo...
Muslim Converts to Greek Orthodoxy
I am greatly looking forward to reading this new study which will begin
filling a very considerable gap in the literature on conversion:*
Proselytes of a...
20220510 Song
Ballad of the Old Man (Ballata dell’uomo vecchio)
All the sadness...
A Letter to TAI’s Subscribers and Readers
Dear TAI readers,Due primarily to financing difficulties, The American
Interest is taking a hiatus from publishing new material.We are glad that
there is...
Enjoy Calming Downtime Sports Outdoors
Having good relationships and good memories in the 21st century have become
far more than just sitting around chatting. Predictable and boring, whereas
With this post I bid Patheos farewell, but not you, gentle reader! All you
need do to continue our warm relationship (or start a warm relationship if
this ...
The Roots of Our Partisan Divide
*Reprinted by permission from Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College.*
American society today is divided by party and by ideology in a way it has
Beginnings of Christianity Timeline
A timeline of the events and writings in first century Christianity.
The post Beginnings of Christianity Timeline appeared first on Eric Sammons.
Pachamama and the Pieta
Those who are following the Amazonian Synod in Rome will have heard about
the furore over the feminine image first used in a tree planting ritual
when the ...
Nothing can defeat a people...
"When men revolve to cooperate with the grace of God, the marvels of
history are worked: the conversion of the Roman Empire; the formation of
the Middle ...
Defending Devotion to the Sacred Heart
Defending Devotion to the Sacred Heart | Timothy T. O'Donnell, S.T.D. |
Introduction to Heart of the Redeemer I have attempted not so much to speak
with au...
Commonweal Local Communities, Since You Asked...
You’ve heard of Commonweal Local Communities, if not weeks, months, or
years ago, perhaps just recently in the comment section regarding the
launch of o...
Anonymity and Personal Responsibility
But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall
render an account for it in the day of judgment (Mat 12:36). Obviously,
there are...
Scrutinizing “Resisting Happiness”
Matthew Kelly sent me a copy of his new book Resisting Happiness, and I
recently read it. New Words, Old Meanings This book is about the perennial
human ...
Lessons from Erdoğan’s Victory
The mighty Turkish army foiled by the cast of Les Miz? That seems one
likely takeaway from the military coup attempt that crashed and burned last
Friday. A...
Ten Years is a Long Run…
… Ten years ago I sat down and wrote my first blog post. My intended
audience was simply a few family members who had questions about
Catholicism as I went...
A Tale of Two Linguists
The Second Vatican Council declared the Latin language to be one of the
treasures of the Western Church, and decreed that it would remain the
official lang...
Do You Need God to Know That Abortion is Wrong?
*The New Republic's *latest “contribution” to the abortion debate is
remarkable, in that, despite getting virtually everything it says factually
wrong, it ...
Call for Papers-Logos 2015: Religious Experience
May 7-9, 2015 at the University of Notre Dame Religious experience is
central to religious faith and practice. It often serves as evidence for
belief; it c...
Seven Ways to Get Over an Infatuation
“Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered am I” wrote US songwriter Lorenz Hart
about the feeling of infatuation. It’s blissful and euphoric, as we all
know. ...
Lutheran Convert: Ron Doub
[image: Lutheran Convert: Ron Doub]
Lutheran Convert Ron Doub
*Ron Doub was a life-long Lutheran but after 15 years of trying to convert
his Catholic wife...
Temporarily – No Comment
God willing, the content of this blog will be migrated to its new site,
starting sometime after midnight (here in East Coast America). I have been
asked to...
I want to go to this VBS
I'll give up my aversion to skits to see this slightly Monty Python-esque
version of the book of Esther.
Abby Johnson - Pro-Life Advocate
[image: Abby Johnson IP#78 Abby Johnson unPlanned on Inside the Pages]*An
ordinary woman who has experienced extraordinary grace and wow, look what
God has...
"They Moved My Blog Without Telling Me!"
For those of you devoted souls who have been coming to *High Concepts* in
the last few weeks ravenous for some fresh material, I have some good news
and ...
Biological Sponges Could Prevent Battlefield Deaths
Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies The Institute for Soldier
Nanotechnologies may sound like an organization right out of a Tom Clancy
novel, but it's ...
Sarah Palin and the GOP
One way or the other, Sarah Palin will have the biggest impact on the GOP’s
chances to win the presidency in 2012. Her recent editorial in the Wall
Street ...
A new home for Morning Catholic Must-Reads
From today, Morning Catholic Must-Reads has a new home on The Catholic
Herald’s new website. Thank you for reading the blog here. I look forward
to seeing ...
Roman Catholic Arch / Bishops of the USA
Besides regularly updating my Roman Catholic Arch / Bishops of the USA
page, I have recently been improving the layout of and links offered on the
page. No...